Rebounding — What Matters & How We Bounce Back
Think about when you are walking down a path – one of life’s many – and it feels so right. It may be the path of a relationship, a career, a health journey, or all of the above. You just know in your heart that everything you experienced to this point has brought you to this amazing place. You’re in alignment, connected to others, to yourself, to life.
What does it mean to ADMIRE?
We can admire things, people, actions. Or we can be the object of admiration. The word admire, more so than other types of compliments, brings with it a warmth and respect that we all want to feel worthy of. In its purest form, there is no desire or ego involved, just a loving nod to something we appreciate and maybe want to emulate.
Side Plank Pose - Vasisthasana
Side plank is an empowering arm balance pose that challenges your ability to stay focused and open while building incredible strength and admiring the view!
Upward Plank Pose - Purvottanasana
Upward Plank Pose is an uplifting (sometimes intense) posture that is all about lifting up and out to build strength, endurance and flexibility both physically and mentally.
What do you ASPIRE?
We can admire things, people, actions. Or we can be the object of admiration. The word admire, more so than other types of compliments, brings with it a warmth and respect that we all want to feel worthy of. In its purest form, there is no desire or ego involved, just a loving nod to something we appreciate and maybe want to emulate.
Announcing 2022 Spiral Themes
Join us for another year of Spiraling both on and off the mat with another set of universal themes centered around our guiding principles of awareness, nutrition, and movement.
TRANSCEND into the You That is Calling
What happens when…You wake up and no longer feel like yourself Life does not take on the shape or intensity it once had? Those that you trusted would dance with you have taken a different shape or path? What used to drive you has become a tedious chore?
A (Transcending) Dance Party
We are born to move, to dance our way through it all, and feel alive! But, it can be hard, even impossible, to remember this dance under layers of stress, tension, responsibilities, etc. Dancing can bring out your happiest, most vibrant self so you can live your most authentic, joyful life!
Unite- A Walking Meditation
Meditation does not always have to be done seated still or even alone. You can move with your meditation by yourself or with a group, simply by going for a walk, slowly and mindfully.
9 Practices to Cultivate Unity
I have always dreamed and held very closely in my heart the idea of a community, a tribe, a world where we can celebrate each other’s strengths, respect our differences, and ultimately come together with the common goal of doing our best every day to lift others up. After all, as we learned in our month of flourishing, all flourishing is mutual…
Scatter Joy- A Flourishing Tadanasa
They say how you stand in Tadasana is how you stand in life! What if you throw your arms up in Tadasana and really open yourself up to all that is possible?! Tadasana, Mountain Pose is a great way to ground yourself in the beginning of the practice.
Integrate—Merging Flow & Resistance
What does it mean to expand? Does it mean to go beyond what we know is possible- physically, emotionally or mentally, to become more “full”? Or, does it mean to simply grow in whatever form that takes…
Warrior 2 — Expanding in All Directions
Virabhadra is the name of a tall, dark and fierce deity, depicted with a thousand arms, flaming hair and eyes, and wearing a garland of skulls. She represents patience, persistence and ultimately expansion.
Integrate—Merging Flow & Resistance
When we do feel resistance and nothing seems to be working, that’s when the real fun begins as we delve into the “why and how”. When we are connected with the flow of things, all the time and energy we have put into our relationships, health, work, and community seem to pay off.
Virabhadrasana I (Warrior 1) — Integrating Strength, Confidence, and a Calm Open Heart
Practice this pose to feel the delicate balance between receiving energy from the earth and sending it right back out through your heart center.
A Healing Journey + Tips Learned Along the Way
I remember it so well… the first time I went to a yoga class. I had no idea what to expect. But something was there; I could feel the pull.
Padangusthasana — Healing in Hand to Big Toe
This pose is an essential element of Sun Salutations and helps to prepare the body for deeper forward bends. When practiced correctly, this pose is an intense stretch, particularly for the hamstrings and back.