Inspiration & Guidance for Nourishment

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Awareness, Movement Kristin Ritter Awareness, Movement Kristin Ritter

A (Transcending) Dance Party

We are born to move, to dance our way through it all, and feel alive! But, it can be hard, even impossible, to remember this dance under layers of stress, tension, responsibilities, etc. Dancing can bring out your happiest, most vibrant self so you can live your most authentic, joyful life!

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Awareness, Movement Kristin Ritter Awareness, Movement Kristin Ritter

9 Practices to Cultivate Unity

I have always dreamed and held very closely in my heart the idea of a community, a tribe, a world where we can celebrate each other’s strengths, respect our differences, and ultimately come together with the common goal of doing our best every day to lift others up. After all, as we learned in our month of flourishing, all flourishing is mutual…

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Awareness, Movement Kristin Ritter Awareness, Movement Kristin Ritter

Integrate—Merging Flow & Resistance

When we do feel resistance and nothing seems to be working, that’s when the real fun begins as we delve into the “why and how”. When we are connected with the flow of things, all the time and energy we have put into our relationships, health, work, and community seem to pay off.

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Movement Kristin Ritter Movement Kristin Ritter

Bakasana — Take the Leap

Take the leap – or gracefully float – into your crane/crow pose. Your hands are now your new feet as you lift off the mat. Take your time, accept where you are, listen to the fear that comes up and gently keep moving forward.

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Movement Kristin Ritter Movement Kristin Ritter

Dhanurasana — Believing in Bow Pose

Bow pose is named after the resemblance of the archer’s bow, with the torso and legs representing the body of the bow, and the arms the string. This pose builds incredible strength and elasticity in the back and spine. 

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Movement Kristin Ritter Movement Kristin Ritter

Paripurna Navasana — Boat Pose

Strengthen your core while dreaming of all the places you want to go in Navasana. This core pose is accessible to most since there are variations. You start by keeping your hands and feet (toes) on the earth and slowly build the strength to lift off and set sail.

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Movement Kristin Ritter Movement Kristin Ritter

Utthita Trikonasana - Extended Triangle

Utthita Trikonasana (oo-TEE-tah trik-cone-AHS-anna) also known as “Triangle” is an expanding posture that helps to stretch and strengthen your legs and abdominals while gently providing an opportunity to relieve any stress or anxiety as this one is all about being open both physically and mentally to all possibilities.

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