Inspiration & Guidance for Nourishment

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Ride the Waves

Pura Vida, translated as “pure life”, is how the Costa Ricans roll. Their vibrant skin, smiles and food all lend themselves to this way of life. They live and breathe for the land that so beautifully surrounds them. The animals embrace the wealth of the jungle and the people seem to just choose a lifestyle that supports simplicity, beauty, and connection to the land and others.

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Own Your Power, Learn to Fly

We all have a super power, something we came with, something that brings us closer, keeps us connected and aligned. Once you find what this is, it is yours to use just as those characters in stories get gifted by a magician or a magical sword and all the sudden something inside lights up and they become their bravest selves. How cool is that to know that you can have that too? Now, let’s find your super power and use it for the greater good …

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

The Good Life

When we do what we love and do it with passion, sharing every aspect of who we are in the process, we open doors where there were once walls and we step into an abundant life. All you have to do is say yes. Be brave in your pursuit as you move in the direction that is calling. Any choice you make will get you to a place you can learn from. So pick one and get moving and then be ready to receive the gifts that are sure to come.

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Turtle Love

Days after witnessing the turtles’ journey to the sea in Costa Rica, the discussion in Joan Halifax’s classes centered around soft front, hard back and resilience being “a context for an exhale.” As with a turtle (soft front, hard back), how can we show up and go to our edge at the same time?

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

What Can You Do Every Day?

The longer I walk (sometimes crawl), dance, laugh, cry at times, along this path, the more I realize it is not about attaining some kind of perfection. As you try harder, for something you are dreaming up, more and more desires start to unfold and become the focus. What if instead we just keep showing up, do our best, even enjoy the dance of it all along the way and then peacefully thank all that gave us breath and ability to be and rest in our beds each night.

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Wise Sages

We all know them. Whether it be in books, on social media (dare I say), your neighbors, perfect strangers, teachers, children, etc. As I have learned, age and wisdom do not always go hand in hand. Some of the wisest people I have met have been much younger than me. When someone is trying to tell you something, do yourself and them a favor, and listen.

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Be Thankful

Gratitude is the cultivation of being thankful for everything around us, even the things we do not yet understand. From taking time to listen to a new perspective (paradigm shifts can be magical), to watching random acts of kindness (and they are happening all around you), to moments that take your breath away.

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Spiraling in Peace Meditation

If you look around, you will notice spirals everywhere in nature, an up to a down, a left to a right, an inner to an outer- opposites which perfectly balance each other out creating harmony and ultimately peace. In this place, your center, you can find wisdom, comfort and peace.

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Turn Everything Off!

“Hocus Pocus you need to focus” is something you will hear me saying to my ten year old daughter as we navigate virtual school and life! She knows she needs to focus, we both know we need to focus to be present with the task at hand, but how?!

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Trust Your Path

All the work you are doing, the roles you play, the people you touch, the lives you save every day (and we all do, if only with a smile) is leading you somewhere far more magnificent than you could ever truly see at one glance.

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Take a Nature Walk

I have found nature to be one of my greatest teachers for many things but especially for focusing my attention on looking for and seeing beauty. Whenever I need perspective, I look up to the sky as on my drives and when I need help solving a problem, I take a walk in the woods.

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

You + Everyone

Is there a relationship in your life in which you need to bridge the gap/reconnect? Is there a relationship in your life that you need to redefine/change?

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Awareness, Movement Kristin Ritter Awareness, Movement Kristin Ritter

Make a Happy List

There is one thing we all have in common, well many things but one I know to be especially true is that we all want to be happy! Ask anyone and at the root of their being, they crave happiness. We hear how much it’s something we have to achieve within on our lives, no one can do it for us which I whole heartily agree. But sometimes when we are not feeling so happy, it can actually make us even more unhappy trying to figure out what to do!

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Borrowed River House

Excerpt written from an adventure to Colorado: When we arrived into the old, yet modern western town, we went to meet our town friend Rico and his faithful companion, Belle – an adorable bulldog, who held the key to our borrowed river house and the secrets to the town.

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Lessons on Flying High

My lessons on release, the subject of letting go are best related to traveling. It is not possible to have total control when you travel- especially when you fly. Each minute as you make your way to your destination, there are thousands of situations happening all around. It is inevitable that your plan could change at any moment, determined and affected by actions of those we meet along the way.

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Trapeze Swinger

This is beautifully written and where I go when I forget I need to take a leap … Sometimes, I feel that my life is a series of trapeze swings. I’m either hanging onto a trapeze bar swinging along or, for a few moments, I’m hurtling across space between the trapeze bars.

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Nutrition, Awareness Kristin Ritter Nutrition, Awareness Kristin Ritter

Find Your Ideal Work

We are all destined, born to do something. Sometimes we find sparks/inspiration early on and sometimes we need tools to find the work that is calling you. Here is one of my favorite exercises to lead clients through when exploring ideal work. Get yourself to a quiet place you can journey about the following questions.

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